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i love the animation!


please put ost free download, i love all your projects, i managed to discover an old one,

how do you actually pla

(1 edit) (+4)

Thank you so much for contributing "Kids" to the bundle for racial equality and justice. There's so much in this game to think on, and it was a really memorable experience!

Review is up on my website: 


I loved this so much


This game is amazing. I've been lucky enough to be able to see it on a movie screen at a festival, play it at home, and play it in a museum. In fact, I talked about him in this video for the YouTube channel of the Spanish podcast VdeVideojuegos, in case anyone is interested.

Just a heads up, I head to turn off gsync to run above 10 FPS,using a RXT2070


I have no idea what i just witnessed but i am in love with this. The animation and controls feels so Juicy and amazing, and the sound design is immaculate!

(1 edit)

I played this with my buddy a while back and while we were absolutely confused by what we were looking at, we were intrigued each step of the way!

I played this game on Linux, and for some reason all the audio was horribly compressed and glitchy. Otherwise great game.

I downloaded the windows version and ran it on linux with wine and the audio problems went away.

I can't say I understand what this all means, but that was a pretty fascinating experience nontheless.

My Experience of This Minimalism Game -> 

interesting game...


The most potently unintentional horror game I have played in a long time. Was viscerally disturbed for most of the experience, and even mildly nauseated. 


game good


Game was fun

Heh what?

It is oddly satisfying to play this game. A simple point and click game that pleases the soul. First game I played in the video. The animation is really smooth.

Thanks for making it! 

Honestly love this game so much.

Cool style, short and fun. Probably a deeper meaning here but its enjoyable with or without thinking too hard lol. 


I think this one's about peer pressure?

The game seems cool, but I've been stuck on the part where they fall through space for about 20 minutes now. There doesnt seem to be an end? I don't know what happened, but it means I can't continue it :(


Update: All you have to do is go upwards lol



Can you put the android link

-Made a Video. (Old Video)


Positively Lynchian. I loved it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I love it but it plays like half speed. people look like they're walking instead of running. Does the same with both integrated graphics and dGPU (RX590). Also tried to enable/disable vsync and AMD and Windows overlays.
When I minimize the game in the task bar with alt+tab then re-focus it, kids run at normal speed for a few seconds, then I'm back to 9fps.. Any idea what's going on ?

This can happen when your driver ignores the vsync settings of the game.  Try switching on vsync in your driver settings. What platform are you on?

Thanks for that fast answer! I just updated my previous comment before I saw yours: vsync changes nothing if I force enable it in my graphic settings. Using Windows 10, up to date as well as GPU drivers.

Could you send the game log file to  Maybe there's something hidden in there.

It should be here:

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I was already wondering when I'd step over a game that I absolutely want to give highest praise for that other people will have absolutely no idea what to do with. That time has now come. KIDS is equal parts interpretative dance, art, short film and interactive tool. For a big chunk of it, I had my mouth wide open and was not able to tear my eyes from it. I am still contemplating about the message, but I know that you all should try this. 5/5

More Racial Justice impressions and ranking:


The  amazing animation and sound design really make this an fascinating textural experience.  The interaction is super tight as well.  everything about this games is just crisp and smooth making it very satisfying.  it works well on PC but I would go with the tablet/mobile version next time, the touch controls would be perfect.

Thank you for including it in the bundle, I'm really glad I had the chance to play it. 

Amazing game. The mechanics are really eerie and cool looking


the one with the kids faling ang getting up never ended.


yeah I also had this problem and idk if I'm doing something wrong or if it's broken??

Restart the game, it should wor


Kids is a good game.

Really eerie. I love the visual style.

The game feel and visual metaphors are very inspiring.

This is a wonderful little game-poem; something to play with if you're looking for some soothing in your life. Highly recommended!

Enjoyed it! Especially the singing!

Great game!


almost threw up but its an amazing game

was this at all inspired by the Harmony Korine movie

This game is fun, yet weird at the same time

Lovely little tactile - almost toy like - experience. Definitely worth your 20 minutes!

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